A science fiction story about two boys, Slim and Red, who find alien creatures and hope to use them to join a circus.
Josh is a fan of older short-form fiction, and the curator of Pulpfeed. Pulpfeed is his attempt at reviving old fiction content and the short form that was once so popular a generation ago.
A science fiction story about two boys, Slim and Red, who find alien creatures and hope to use them to join a circus.
Vonnegut paints a dystopian future with strict population control, Edward K. Wehling, Jr. is in a hospital where his wife is giving birth to triplets. Each birth requires three volunteers for euthanasia. The story delves into the emotional and ethical dilemmas in this tightly regulated society.
A poignant tale about Henry Bemis, a book lover who survives a catastrophic event, finding himself alone in a world where he finally has time to read.
A satirical sci-fi story on interplanetary diplomacy absurdities. Amid rising tensions between Earth, Venus, and Mars, diplomats strive to prevent war.
Late Authors
This is Pulpfeed, a brand new site built with the sole intent of dusting off old-short form fiction that has otherwise been lost to time. For the foreseeable future Pulpfeed will be almost entirely comprised of public domain content saved from the ravages of time by the good people at