Pulpfeed coming soon

This is Pulpfeed, a brand new site built with the sole intent of dusting off old-short form fiction that has otherwise been lost to time. For the foreseeable future Pulpfeed will be almost entirely comprised of public domain content saved from the ravages of time by the good people at Project Gutenberg. The written content is provided for free as per the terms of Project Gutenberg, however future content may contain audio, or other media productions or reinterpretations of the work. If the Pulpfeed indeed does draw the attention I believe the content deserves then there may be a paid tier with gated content in the future.
Each story post is illustrated with the help of both ChatGPT, and MidJourney, and posted to this newsletter website using the Ghost.org Pro CMS plan.
While this is currently a single-handed labor of love performed by Josh Mormann for his own enjoyment and for you the reader, it wouldn't be possible without the effort of the late great authors reintroduced and shared here, nor all the tools mentioned above.
If this concept catches on, the future dreams for this effort include the following as well as user guided enhancements and improvements along the way:
- Content bookmarking or favoriting
- Rich media adaptations
- Mobile application
- New living author stories
With all that said, if you'd like to be notified of of new content as it is posted here, please sign up if you haven't already!